

目前顯示的是 3月, 2021的文章

COVID: One year on

 The link of the podcast:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/6-minute-english/ep-210225 VOCABULARY 1.pandemic  (疾病)大規模流行的,廣泛蔓延的  adj.  (of a disease) existing in almost all of an area or in almost all of a group of people, animals, or plants 👉In some parts of the world malaria is still pandemic. 在世界上一些地區瘧疾仍在廣泛流行。 2.take hold  變強;確立地位  to become strong; to be established 👉The economic recovery is just beginning to take hold now.  經濟復甦的趨勢剛剛開始穩定下來。 3.wimpy  虛弱的,懦弱的  adj. not strong, brave, or confident 👉I'm far too wimpy to go rock climbing. 我太虛弱,無法去攀岩。 4.sheer  完全的,徹底的  adj. used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except 👉The suggestion is sheer nonsense.  這個建議純粹是胡言亂語。 5.kicks in  開始見效;起作用  v. to start to have an effect or to happen 👉It takes half an hour for the medication to kick in. 藥片的藥力在半小時後開始顯現。   6.genome  基因組,染色體組  n....

English learning podcast

Today, I would like to share a podcast, Zero to Travel. You can discover new and different ways to travel the world no matter what your situation or experience.  The host is Jason.  He would invite travelers to share their travel experiences. I thought it was helpful for travel and also interesting about the story. You can find inspiration, lifestyles or travel jobs from the podcast. Here is the link of the podcast  and the link of the blog .